Grand Junction Chiropractor Explains Running -
Easiest Way to Burn Fat and Have Fun too!

A solution which would not require you to exert a lot of money and resources is RUNNING. All you need is a pair of good running shoes, comfortable shorts or jogging pants, and a shirt for starters. Running does not require you to go to the gym, which usually has expensive memberships, in order to do it. You can run in an open-wide space, parks, or even at your own neighborhood. Many do their running routine in the early morning, after moment they wake up, while some do it in the late afternoon or early evening.
Did you know that on a 3 mile run/walk, you can burn an average of 300 calories which is equivalent to a one medium banana topped with a peanut butter spread? Just think how much calories you can burn if make it a habit and run regularly. It’s an enjoyable fun activity that can easily fit into once lifestyle.
Aside from burning calories running regularly has other important health benefits. It helps promote a healthy heart because it’s a good cardio-work out. Nowadays, where heart disease is one of the most common causes of death, running is an easy exercise to help ensure a healthy heart. It also helps improve the various muscles in your body. It strengthens your leg muscles. Believe or not, running can also help you lose those love handles or beer belly. In fact, aside from swimming, running is one of those exercises that target many muscle groups.
For me, running is most enjoyable when it’s done with groups. You can run with your family and make it a great bonding activity. Instead of eating out, perhaps you can all go to a park or to the gym and have a wonderful time running while chatting. You can also do it with friends; in fact, you can even form or join running clubs, if you’re working in the office or perhaps in your neighborhood.
So, what are you waiting for? Get those running shoes and have a FUN RUN!
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Spine & Injury Center of
Grand Junction
2646 Patterson Road Suite A
Grand Junction, CO 81506
(970) 436-4400